Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
I would like to run a contest online – is it gambling?
The article will cover contests, outlining the differences and similarities to gambling. When running contents bear in mind that in the UK:
* “Games of chance” are considered gambling (and should be compliant with the gambling laws), compared to “Games of skill”.
* If you are running a simple contest without entry fee – this is not considered gambling.
* If you would like to run a contest with entry fee and there is an element of luck to select the winner this is considered gambling and you need a license.
* Running a “Game of skill” does not require a gambling license. In order to run such a game you would: have an entry fee or not; have fair competition; luck should not be involved in winning prizes – the winners should be selected based on their entries and work, not based on chance.
* So the short answer is – to avoid running illegal lottery make sure that either the entry is free or/and the winner is selected based on the work provided and not because of any luck involved.
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