Showing posts with label master money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label master money. Show all posts

Change yourself to make more money

Change yourself to make more money

Hello dear money-making friends. Today we are presenting you with 4 steps by John Assaraf, on how to change yourself to make more money.

A lot of people ask me: Can train the brain to help you make a lot of money or not? And the answer is Yes. Maybe I can share a technique with you about how I started training my brain to help me make more money.

Step 1.
It starts with setting some goals for the lifestyle I want to live. And my advisor, Walter Schneider, many years ago is a very successful businessman. He say: to achieve your goals, first you have to know what they are. So, let's say you set a financial goal, say $ 100,000 a year. That's about $8,000 a month, or about $2,150 per week that you want to earn. And let's say you don't earn it right now.

One of the things you can do is to start training your brain to help you earn that money is first and foremost to be clear about the amount of money you want to earn, whether it be a week, a month or a year.

Step 2.
Make a simple assertion like this: "I'm very happy and it's wonderful I make $10,000 a month” - simple affirmation. Now, I want you to read that affirmation every morning 5 to 10 times, and every night before you go to bed, 5 to 10 times. And when you read that affirmation, I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to practice mental repetition. You receive that money in the form of a check, either cash, or through your bank account, and see that money goes into your bank account. I want you feel how does it feel when continuous each month has 10, 000 dollars gets transferred into your account every month

And you can choose whatever amount you want this way. and when you close your eyes, and you imagine that money is going into your account, what I also want you to visualize is the impact of that money will be in your life, in the life of your family and friends, in the community in which you live and the charities you are trying to support. Totally like in a movie about psychology add to the emotions, as if you were a Hollywood actor or actress are pretending that is actually happening.

So, you read your affirmation ‘I am very happy and feel great for the fact now I make 10,000 dollars per month’ and when you do it and repeat it, your brain exercise visualization - what does it look like.

And that means use your brain to look and feel as if it were real right now. That activates different parts of your brain, namely left frontal cortex. It's the genius, CEO, Einstein - part of your brain. That might really help you out how to achieve that goal and dream. So, if you do it every morning and every night before bed, in the morning while walking, at night before going to bed, you will start to master your brain with an affirmation, with a mind exercise, and you will be aware of your brain.

Step 3.
And if you want an extra step, what I want you to do is take a vision board, or create one on your computer, or a physical table, and cut out some images of what lifestyle earning 10,000 dollars per month allows you to live.

What kind of car do you want to drive?
What kind of places do you want to go on vacation?
What house would you like to live in?
What kind of charity would you like to support?

Get pictures of the results when you earn 10,000 dollars per month or $100,000 per year (or more) and begin to see yourself in that scenario and act as if it were real right now, and then

Step 4.
Every day ask yourself one question:
‘What can I do today to make that money REALISTIC’

And do one or two action steps to make it happen. Hence the physical activity in addition to mind training, with affirmations and mental exercise, visualization, is one of the best to start training your brain to achieve financial goals you have.

Investing tips by Tony Robbins

Investing tips by Tony Robbins

We will be presenting 3 key tips for beginner investors and everyone who would like to start investing in the stock market, presented by the greatest coach of all time - Tony Robbins.

Here is what Tony said about investing:

The average person thinks finance is so complex because frankly the industry tries to make it sound complex. They use words that you don't know so you don't know what to do... What happens is we just give them our money and say deal with it.

1. You need to know that you can't wait until you have a ton of money to start investing.
If you can invest in business, even a small amount, you can grow. It doesn’t matter how small it is, the important thing is to automate it.

You got to take a percentage of what you earn and pretend it's a tax. You should not waste that money. It automatically goes straight to the investment account and you never see it as money you can spend. When you save 20% and you compound it, the numbers are incredible. And then the problem is: If you do that first step, but you don't do the second step which is:

2. Become an insider and understand the rules of the money game. I'll give you 2 or 3 of the Myths, really fast:

2.1. One, the myth that someone says give me your money and I'm going to beat the market. Over any ten year period of time, 96% of the mutual funds will not even match the market.

Warren Buffet flat out used to confirm the same trend. 96% of his money, all that money does not go with any mutual fund, it goes straight into the index.

What the index is you get a piece of all the largest companies in the world but it costs almost nothing to get in. You hire someone because you are thinking "I have a family, I have a business, I have a life, I'm not an investor- I'm going to hire someone who's a professional, it makes sense they would do better than me."

Unfortunately that's wrong.

Only 4% of the mutual funds will beat the market. 4% chance of finding the right mutual fund, the chance is so slim that it will happen.

2.2. And, the second myth is after getting terrible performance, people think "Maybe, fees don't really matter" or they'll tell you it's only 1%. And on Forbes, it says the average fee is 3.12%,
1% versus 3% is a big difference. And it really matters - just like you grow by compounding, your fees also compound. If you have 3 people and one gets 1% fees, another 2% the other 3%, and they all get the same return. And, they start out with 100,000 dollars at 35, accumulating for 30 years until they are 65 years old. If it is average 7% compounded, they all get 7% return and when they go to retire, the person who had 1% in fees is going have 574,000 dollars. The person who had 3% in fees will have only 224,000 dollars. This is 77% less money!

If I said to you: "Here's the deal, let's do an investment. You put up all the money, you put up all the money, you put up all the risk, I'll put up no money and I'll put up no risk. If you lose I win, and if you win I win and if you win, over the life of the time I'll get 60% of what you earn." That's a mutual fund with 3%.

3. Instead, you could own the stock market – invest in the S&P500, you could own a piece of all 500 big companies through like the Vanguard 500 and you get the best of all the business - Apple, Exxon, etc… All these companies – you invest into and it cost you only .17%. And if you go to a normal mutual fund you might own the same companies for 3.17%. That's like buying a Honda Accord for $20,000 in the first scenario or $350,000 in the second for the same car.

That happens every day with finances because people don't know how to look at this so when they read the book Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom that will never happen to them again.

Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom (key points)

Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom (key points)

Tony Robbins created an absolute masterpiece with his book Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Here is a short review, outlining the most important steps

1. Decide to master the financial area of your life
- commit to self-discipline and mastery over your financial state
- decide to become an investor, and not just a consumer
- commit a percentage of your income towards your own freedom
- fund yourself and put the money aside and don't touch it
- learn the power of compounding can grow your funds
- understand the financial state is a game and the game is rigged
- if you don’t know the rules of the game – the house will always win

2. Learn the nine myths related to money
- important myth is that fees are not important. In fact, fees can result in millions of dollars difference
- be aware of the myth that that mutual funds beat the market
- another myth to consider is that your broker is your friend. The broker is not legally bound to act in your best interest, so if you are seeking financial advice it might be better to go to fiduciary. This guy is legally bound to act in your best interest.
- It is a myth that you got to take a big risk for a big reward

3.  Define a price to your dreams
- be specific as to how much money you want
- understand what kind of income you would play for
- Tony defines 5 levels of the financial state
1. financial security – when you are just surviving with your income
2. financial vitality – where you have some money to put aside
3. financial independence – you don’t need to work for another person anymore
4. financial freedom – accomplishing all your bucket lists and living the life of your dreams
5. absolute freedom – you can do whatever you want and have enough money to contribute to the success of the others

- in order to achieve the level of money, you need to become a more valuable person
- there are 5 strategies to accelerate the process of gathering more money and funding your dreams
1. earn extra money and invest the excess
2. reduce the number of fees and taxes payed
3. save more money and invest the savings
4. maximize the return on investment
5. change your lifestyle and invest the difference

4. Learn how to invest
- assets allocation is the key to your successful investing, and it goes way beyond owning just a variety of stocks
- it is more about owning a variety of unrelated asset classes e.g. stocks, real estate, businesses

5. Create a lifetime supply of income
- start accumulating a massive amount of wealth by investing in low-cost, tax-advantaged well-allocated investments
- follow by converting your wealth into an annuity that pays you a consistent income every single month for life

6. Invest like the richest people
- follow the four important principles
1. do not lose money
2. seek asymmetric risk class reward which is high-reward - low-risk
3. anticipate financial disasters and diversify your investment
4. never stop learning, stay hungry and motivated to consistently improve

- Tony acknowledges the most successful people he's ever met had a relentless pursuit for knowledge

7. Live the rich life, and enjoy the abundance in your life full of money and achieved dreams
- pursue satisfying the six basic human needs
1. the need for certainty
2. the need for uncertainty
3. the need for love and connection
4. the need for contribution
5. the need for significance
6. the need for growth

- the most important and fulfilling need is to be sure to contribute to the happiness of the others. Being the richest man in the graveyard is a wasted life. The secret to living is giving.

Please support the blog and Tony Robbins by purchasing the book Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom